Saturday, February 2, 2013

CM Monthly Challenge #1

I had the opportunity to join a group of talented Clickin' Moms to focus on a different area each month. This month our focus was Close-Up Portraiture. To be honest, this was a new difficult for me. I don't usually shoot this close and this is my first time posting to a blog circle. I am first in the circle, so here goes nothing. Here is what came out of my struggle. Looking forward to the feedback.

Can't wait to see your post Lissa!


  1. I think you did an awesome job! I love the first one because the angle is different and I love the lighting!

  2. Ooh, baby squishiness! I love these images (and now I sorta want a baby) :)

  3. These are beautiful Carrie! I love the compositions on each one and all the details you captured! The lighting is just gorgeous! I wish they were a little bigger so I could stare at them all night:)

  4. So sweet, I love baby eyelashes, you did great!

  5. love the eyelashes and the sweet, little, scrunched up baby mouth! too sweet!

  6. Great job with those lashes! These are so sweet!

  7. Valuable information here. Thanks for help.
